Bobinsana~ From Help Healing Grief and Heartbreak to Shamanic Lucid Dreaming!
A relative of the mimosa tree, Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia) is a water-loving plant that belongs to the Pea family (Leguminosae). It grows around 4-6 meters high and is usually found alongside rivers, streams and bodies of water in the Amazon basin. It is found in regions of Ecuador, Columbia, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. It produces an abundance of gorgeous pink to reddish powder puff-like flowers. Traditionally bobinsana is taken by tincture in a special alcohol made from cane sugar called aguardiente or a strong tea (decoction). All parts of the plant are used for healing. The roots, bark, leaves and flowers. The bark is the most widely used part of the tree.
Bobinsana is a well-known “plant teacher” sometimes used in conjunction with a psychedelic Amazonian brew called “Ayahuasca”. While bobinsana alone is not hallucinogenic (it doesn't contain dmt or any other illegal alkaloids), it is considered a plant teacher or master plant and is sometimes included in recipes. The plant is typically taken on a special diet or during these shamanic ceremonies for opening and healing the heart, to enhance empathy, to deepen one’s connection to nature and provide grounding. According to many Ayahuasca curenderos “doctorcita bobinsana” as they say, is a very gentle healing plant spirit increasing clarity, focus, compassion and addressing heartbreak, grief and loss.
"According to many Ayahuasca curenderos “doctorcita bobinsana” as they say, is a very gentle healing plant spirit increasing clarity, focus, compassion and for addressing heartbreak, grief and loss."
Many times in our lives we have experienced forms of heartbreak, sadness, sudden loss, emotional struggles. Its human nature to experience these feelings. And it’s good to know that you can have support during those troubling times. This plant is just one of many that can hold our hand along the way, while we process our feelings and life experiences. The plant is also becoming very well known for producing profound lucid dreaming experiences, colorful shamanic visionary type dreams in which new insights about one’s life are found and healing can occur.
"profound lucid dreaming experiences, colorful shamanic visionary type dreams in which new insights about one’s life are found and healing can occur."
Among other uses the Shipibo Conibo people of the Ucayali area in Peru and other Amazonian indigenous tribes use the sacred plant to address body aches, tension and to purify the blood. They also bathe in the freshly grated bark to improve dexterity, increase resistance to illnesses and protect against colds, fevers and chills. Now that we see how useful this plant can be. It’s a good thing to share the information and see if it’s the right herb for you, your family or your friends. Whether you or someone you know is experiencing grief, loss, heartbreak or intense sadness, this sacred plant can be a gentle ally during the healing process. AND If you're interested in having enhanced lucid dreams then this special plant is right up your ally! People can also use this for deepening their shamanic, meditation, dreaming or yogic practices. Which makes this herb one of a kind!
"People can also use this for deepening their shamanic, meditation, dreaming or yogic practices."
As always we share the joy of being an herbal explorer and since this plant is very useful and quite rare. It’s hard to find a good place to get it. So we have the ethically wild-harvested whole bark available here Bobinsana Bark here. We carry a very potent 3:1 liquid dual extract tincture of ethically wild-harvested bark made with organic alcohol and Colorado mountain spring water. You can find it here>>> Bobinsana Tincture.
Thank you all so much for caring about yourselves, these plants, your environment and your communities. We appreciate the support, excitement and friendliness from all of you.
Dream Well,
The Dream Catcher Team
***Bobinsana is not psychoactive and doesn't contain Ayahuasca. Bobinsana doesn't contain any illegal alkaloids.
Cautions: Bobinsana is traditionally used as a contraceptive in Peru. While there is no research to confirm this possible action, those seeking to get pregnant should avoid this plant. Do not use if you are trying to conceive, are pregnant/lactating, have a medical condition or taking any medications. Consult with your doctor before using. Keep out of the reach of children.
Disclaimer~ This post’s information is not approved by the FDA to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any diseases. No therapeutic claim is made or intended. This information presented in this post is provided for informational purposes only. Always do your research and talk with a healthcare practitioner before adding herbs or supplements to your diet.
Copyright Disclaimer- This article is owned and published by Dream Catcher Botanicals LLC and is published here under intellectual and company property copyright. Any copies or reuse of our blog posts information in any way will be subject to cease and desist letters and potential legal action.
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