It's your time to dream!
Since 2011 Dream Catcher Botanicals has been offering the finest dream herbs available.
We are here to support you in exploring your dreams like never before!
As the key trendsetter and #1 dream herb company worldwide we strive to give all the dreamy goodness mother nature has to offer in one lucid place!
For ten years we have selected sourced and discovered the highest and most effective dream and sleep herbs just for you.
The dreamcatcher is a sacred symbol used to protect us from nightmares and bad dreams. Native American cultures believe that all dreams fill the air at night, both bad and good.
The dreamcatcher acts like the web of a spider, catching the bad dreams and visions while allowing the good ones to filter through. Only dreams that may serve us pass through as stepping's stones to live a better life.
We donate 3% of every sale to the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College.

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College
The Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College mission is to provide Anishinaabe communities with post-secondary and continuing education while advancing the language, culture, and history of the Ojibwe.
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College fosters the highest level of student success in academic and personal growth by providing an advanced technological education that integrates Ojibwe culture throughout the curriculum.
You too can support the LCOOC.
Click to donate and learn more!
What are dream herbs?
Dream herbs are sacred plant teachers that help you explore, improve and enhance your ability to dream.
Dream herbs are good for Lucid dreaming, dream memory/clarity, prophetic dreams, dream recall, out of body experiences, astral projection, third eye activation, visualization, shamanic/meditation practices, relaxation, deep sleep and much more!

Dreaming is so important!
In every dream, there is a message, a part of us that needs to be heard, a guiding light, a healthy outlet for fantasies, creative inspiration and a way to cultivate our evolution as the beings that we are and will become.
As we familiarize ourselves with the hidden meanings of our dreams, we then are given a deeper sense of understanding ourselves, leading us to better our lives.
Don’t underestimate the power of understanding your dreams.
What can dreams do for you?
Feel the exhilaration and freedom of flying.
Meet and interact with heroes, saints, guides and aliens.
Travel in time and space to other “dimensions”.
Ask important life questions and get answers back.
Safely overcome fears and phobias and much more!